Foods with High Amounts of Hidden Sugar

Sugar is the real culprit.

For many years people have been led to believe that saturated fat is the main cause of heart disease. However new studies have revealed that saturated fat is far less harmful than sugar. It is no surprise that that chocolates, fizzy drinks, sweets and cakes are loaded with added sugar. But there are other culprits that you might not associate with added sugar.

Theses culprits are the foods which are packed with large amounts of hidden sugar.

Food manufacturing companies have become wise about the outcry of added sugar by health practitioners, and with clever marketing, have started to disguise the sugar in their products so that consumers do not know how much sugar they are really eating.

They add sugar into foods to enhance the taste, especially in reduced fat foods, as foods without fat are bland, and do not taste so good. This means that foods you may believe to be healthy because they are labelled low fat, are actually worse for you as they are loaded with added sugar – which keeps you hooked and going back for more.

Researchers have proved that sugar is instrumental in the worldwide rise of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

Some Foods with Added Sugar You Need to Know About

We all have favourite things we eat that taste delicious, and which we may not realise are rich in hidden added sugar.

Here are just a few of them:

Scientists in the food industry have got the ratio of fat, sugar and salt in their products just right to make them tasty enough for you to want more and more.

How to Identify Hidden Sugars in Foods?

You need to be aware of the many different ways sugar is identified on the labels by clever marketers.

Here are some to look out for:

There could be others as well, but they are all just grand-sounding names for hidden sugar.

How to Avoid Buying Foods with Hidden Sugar Content?

You may feel that all this checking on labels is going to a lot of trouble, and sometimes time- consuming, but if want to stay healthy and prevent the dangers related to excess sugar, then it is worth all the trouble for the benefit to your health and well-being.

A Worldwide Epidemic

Heart disease, diabetes, obesity and tooth-decay, have almost reached epidemic proportions. A poor diet, overeating, and especially high sugar intake, play a huge role in these conditions.

Follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and watch your sugar intake, especially if you do not want be another statistic in the sugar rush for poor health.